Sep 17, 2015

The Canadian Town Inside of Maine, USA

image via Flickr
Estcourt Station is like any other town in Canada. It drinks water provided by Canada, is hooked into the Quebec electric grid, watches televeision in French, and spends Canadian currency. Even its area code is Canadian.

The only problem is that due to some quirky international borderlines, Estcourt Station is actually a town in Maine, USA.  Which has of course, led to some issues.

Sep 16, 2015

The BBQ that Shut Down the US Government

image via Huffington Post
Government shutdowns are no joke. During the famed 2013 shutdown, over 800,000 employees found themselves not working and not getting paid, while a further 1.3 million found themselves working without pay (myself included), for over two weeks. All because a certain Cuban-Canadian member of Congress was disagreeing with some legislation.

image via CrooksandLiars
Pictured: The ass-hole who prevented me from making my rent on time.

Sep 15, 2015

Scoring an Air-Air Kill with a Bomb

image via Tapiture
It was February 14th, 1991, and the Gulf War was in full swing. With the Iraqi Air Force too busy either testing their ejection seats, or crashing into the ground to put up a real fight, it was looking less and less like the brand new F-15E Strike Eagle would get it's first air-air kill. Fortunately, Captain's Tim Bennett and Dan Bakke put a stop to that nonsense and entered the history books at the same time by accomplishing a feat that has yet to be repeated.

They bombed another aircraft in mid-air.

Sep 14, 2015

Wyoming's Very Own Spaceport

image via AtlasObscura
In 1994, NASA made the discovery that the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet was going to impact Jupiter. To most, this was an incident of merely academic potential. To the citizens of Green River, it was something more. The town council passed resolution R94-23 "conveying an offer of sanctuary to the possible residents of the planet Jupiter, being in imminent peril" specifically it slapped a sign on their local airfield that renamed is from Green River 48U to the Greater Green River Intergalactic Spaceport.